Landlord EICRs

As Napit approved electricians, we can carry out complete EICR inspection and certification for landlords. Our Landlord Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs) provide landlords with peace of mind, knowing that their properties meet the necessary electrical safety standards and regulations.





Our Comprehensive EICR service includes:

An electrician checking wiring

Check wiring

Our qualified electricians conduct thorough inspections of the wiring throughout the property, identifying any signs of wear, damage, or deterioration. We ensure that the wiring is safe and compliant with current regulations, addressing any issues to prevent potential hazards.


Close up of a fuse board

Assess consumer units

We inspect the consumer units (also known as fuse boxes or distribution boards) to ensure they are properly installed, adequately labelled, and equipped with the necessary protective devices. We check for signs of overheating, loose connections, and outdated components, recommending any necessary upgrades or replacements for improved safety.


A person using a washing machine

Ensure safety

Safety is our top priority. We meticulously examine all electrical fixtures, fittings, and appliances within the property to identify any potential hazards or safety risks. Our goal is to ensure that the electrical installation is safe for tenants to use.


An electrician with a clip board

Provide record of inspection

Following the inspection, we provide landlords with a detailed record of the inspection findings, including any observations, recommendations, and remedial actions required. This comprehensive report serves as documentation of the property's electrical condition at the time of inspection, assisting landlords in fulfilling their legal obligations and duty of care to tenants.


A key with a house key ring

Issue Certification

Upon successful completion of the inspection and any necessary remedial work, we issue landlords with an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) certificate. This official document certifies that the electrical installation has been inspected, tested, and deemed safe and compliant with current regulations. Landlords can then provide this certification to tenants, regulatory authorities, and insurance providers as proof of compliance with electrical safety standards.
